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Utility Commands:

  • /initialise - Initialise an account with the bot.
  • /weather - Show the weather of a place.
  • /afk - Go AFK!
  • /botinfo - Show information and statistics about the bot.
  • /poll - Create a poll.
  • /coinflip - Flip a coin.
  • /nick - Set someone's nickname to something.
  • /kick - Kick someone from YOUR server!
  • /timeout-add - Timeout a member for a set duration.
  • /timeout-remove - Remove the timeout from a member.
  • /ban-add - Ban a member from the guild.
  • /ban-remove - Unban a member from the guild.
  • /logging-setp - Setup logging in your server.
  • /autoreact-setp - Setup autoreact in your server.

Fun Commands:

  • /catfact - Show a catfact.
  • /dogpic - Show a random dog picture.
  • /clickbutton - Start Click The Button Event.
  • /endevent - End the Click The Button Event and show the winner.
  • /leaderboard - Show the top clickers in the server.
  • /count - Show how many times you've clicked the button.
  • /adamsays - Start a game of adamsays.
  • /eliminate - Eliminate a player from an adamsays game (adam only).
  • /cancelgame - Cancel all running games of AdamSays in this server!
  • /meme - Show a random wholesome meme.
  • /spinner - Spin a fidget spinner!
  • /spinner-scores - Show the global spinner leaderboard.
  • /one-in-a-million - Guess a number for one-in-a-million!
  • /one-in-a-million-lb - Show winners for each category.


Cool Stats and Important Links

Server Count: ~30

Member Count: ~12000

Ping: ~100 ms

Uptime: ~99.5%

At A Glance